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Indigenous Studies & Resources

About Indigenous Databases

 Below you will find databases that will provide scholarly articles, news articles, as well as magazine articles related to Indigenous studies in addition to multidisciplinary databases. A select list of Indigenous journals is also provided. 

For assistance searching these databases or finding articles, contact your liaison librarian for help or the Diversity Outreach & Engagement Librarian: Grace Bourret.

Subject-Specific Databases

Interdisciplinary & General Databases

Journals related to Indigenous Studies

How to Request Books and Articles through Document Delivery in Novanet

This short video shows how to order books or articles from another library using Novanet, the Library Catalogue.

Search Google Scholar

Don't Pay: Get full text articles in Google Scholar

Look for the “Check for full text @ X” link next to each result. Use that link to get the full text via the Library’s subscriptions.

Configure your Google Scholar account

Link your Google account to StFX, so the “Check for full text @ X” links will always appear – even if you don’t start your search from this page. Go to our customized settings screen and click Save. If you’re logged into a Google account, it will remember that setting from now on.