Check file format is saved as a PDF
Check the version submitted is the final version.
Check that all personal identifying information, such as signatures, student number, or email address, has been removed or redacted. For dissertations, do not include your dissertation defence form in the version sent to StFX Scholar.
Remove any sensitive or confidential information
Check that you have copyright permission for any third party content used in your work
Review and sign the Non-Exclusive License form
Check accessibility is in compliance with Nova Scotia Accessibility Act (2017)
Press the blue button to begin the submission process.
The submission process is quick and straightforward: complete a form with the required information to accompany your material (including details about your degree, program and supervisor), attach the material as a PDF, and grant the library permission to post it through a non-exclusive license.
We will respond with a link to the work once it has been uploaded.
If you have any questions: email
We require PDF formats for preservation purposes. If the material you are submitting needs to be in a different format, please email
We require the final and approved version of your work.
Dissertations: Please do not include your dissertation defence form.
The thesis or dissertation should not include any personal information other than the student's name, as this work will be publicly posted online. This includes information in appendices.
For example, remove:
In place of the information, you can simply place a white box over the text where there are signatures, ect.
If you are aware that some of the information you have in your thesis could be sensitive or confidential - you can design your thesis in a way which means the sensitive/confidential information easy to remove before publication online.
For example, if you are planning to use a lot of images or photographs, you could lay out your thesis with the images/photographs in an appendix. If you are unable to gain permission to publish the photos with your thesis, the appendix can easily be redacted and the redacted thesis can be made open access through StFX Scholar.
If you find you need to remove information (eg. you need to remove images/photographs or small sections of text) the redacted content should be explained by use of a text box that what content has been redacted and why it was removed.
e.g. put a white box over the part you are removing and say "personal image of a child playing. Copyright holder Jane Doe."
See this page from the University of Cambridge for a guide on redacting.
During the submission process, we will ask you to Sign a Non-Exclusive License Form. This form grants the Library permission to make your thesis or dissertation available to others.
This non-exclusive license form also asks about the use of 3rd party material (e.g., other people's scores of music, figures, images, etc.), as there is a difference between what you can include as part of the submission of your work and what you can publish (e.g., posting to StFX Scholar).
See below for more information on using 3rd party material in your thesis or email your liaison librarian.
Files submitted to StFX Scholar need to be accessible to meet the Nova Scotia Accessibility Act (2017).
For More Information:
If No, everything I've used is insubstantial or my own work | Yes, but I do not plan to publish any part of my thesis | Yes, and I do plan to publish some or all of the content |
The fair dealing provisions in sections 29, 29.1, and 29.2 of the Copyright Act permit dealing with a copyright-protected work, without permission from or payment to the copyright owner, for specified purposes.
“Fair dealing” is not defined in the Act. The concept has evolved significantly over the last decades through case law, including at the Supreme Court level through cases such as CCH Canadian v. Law Society of Upper Canada in 2004, and Alberta (Minister of Education) v. Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright), and Society of Composers, 2 Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v. Bell Canada, both in 2012. These decisions set out a multi-factor analysis for assessing whether a particular copying activity or other dealing falls within the ambit of fair dealing.
For a dealing to be fair, it must pass two broad tests:
The relevance of the factors depends on the context. Sometimes, certain factors will be much more significant than the others. Occasionally other factors, beyond these six, may be relevant. It is not necessarily the case that all six factors need to be satisfied.
See the copyright guide section on user rights for more information.
More information can be found:
Re: Permission to Use Copyrighted Material in a Undergraduate/Master/Doctoral Thesis
Dear [_____], I am a St. Francis Xavier University student completing my Doctoral / Master’s / Undergraduate thesis entitled “____***_____”.
My thesis will be available in full text on the internet for reference, study and / or copy. Except in situations where a thesis is under embargo or restriction, the electronic version will be accessible through the StFX Institutional repository, and also through web search engines.
For masters and doctoral works only: I will also be granting Library and Archives Canada and ProQuest/UMI a non-exclusive license to reproduce, loan, distribute, or sell single copies of my thesis by any means and in any form or format.
These rights will in no way restrict re-publication of the material in any other form by you or by others authorized by you. I would like permission to allow inclusion of the following material in my thesis: [insert copy or detailed explanation including the title of the article or book, the figure or page numbers of the material used, the journal name, year, volume number or unique publication identifier, the publisher and year]. The material will be attributed through a citation. Please confirm in writing or by email that these arrangements meet with your approval.
Thank you,
[your name]
If you are aware that the information you have in your thesis could be unclear (aka, you can't get permission to use someone else's works) - you can design your thesis in a way which means the contentious material is easy to remove before publication.
For example, if you are planning to use a lot of images or photographs, you could lay out your thesis with the images/photographs in an appendix. If you are unable to gain permission to publish the photos with your thesis, the appendix can easily be redacted and the redacted thesis can be made open access through StFX Scholar.
If you find you need to remove information (eg. you need to remove images/photographs or small sections of text) the redacted content should be indicated by use of a text box that explains what content has been redacted and why it was redacted.
eg. place a white text box over the content and say "copyright image of witch removed. Copyright holder Jane Doe."
See this page from the University of Cambridge for a guide on redacting.