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Civil Discourse & EDIA

Civil Discourse and EDIA Courses

StFX has many resources to help you build your understanding and skills related to civil discourse. Below are courses offered that relate to the topic of civil discourse and EDIA. 

Transforming Practice, Learning Equity, Learning Excellence - This is a free online, asynchronous course which aims to address an existing gap in professional development opportunities for faculty and student services professionals in higher education in Nova Scotia. 

Communication and Teamwork in the Workplace - This is a course which helps people understand themselves and colleagues so that they can have respectful, productive, and positive working relationships.

Staff and Student Support

Human Rights and Equity Team - The human rights & Equity Team work to ensure StFX is a welcoming and respectful learning community for everyone. They offer one-on-one consultations, as well as education and training for faculty and staff.

Human Rights Education and Response Advocate - THE HRERA receives, responds to and manages disclosures of harassment, and discrimination. The HRERA leads, coordinates and promotes equity awareness, prevention and education programs and strategies on campus. 

Support - Mindful Meaning