A course pack is a compilation of one or more portions of a work or works intended for student use in a particular course. Course packs are usually produced in print format.
Generally, the guidelines for producing a course pack are the same as those for fair dealing. If the material is a chapter from a book, an article from a journal, or an insubstantial part of a document, web site, etc., it may be treated within the Fair Dealing or Education exceptions of the Copyright Act. Otherwise, if it exceeds these amounts, and there is no license allowing copying (see Library Licenses), then permission to copy must be obtained.
For more information, contact the Campus Store.
The price paid by the student for reproduced, copyrighted material is comprised of the following components, and a quote can be provided to a faculty member if requested:
For more information, see the Campus Store page on Course Packs.
You may be able to provide your students with links to Library-subscribed or unrestricted materials, and in some cases you may be able to post PDFs to Moodle.