You can post the following on Moodle:
Yes! If you created your slides and included short excerpts of copyright materials from other sources, posting these slides on Moodle is likely covered by the fair dealing exception, and the ‘educational use of Internet materials’ exception may also cover your use of copyright from other sources in this way.
Yes! There is a new exception to the Copyright Act allowing educational use of Internet material, including reproducing that material for your students, provided that the material appears to have been posted legitimately (i.e. with the consent of the copyright owner), there is no clearly visible notice or link to such a notice prohibiting you from using the material for educational purposes, there is no technological protection measure preventing you from accessing or copying the material (e.g. it’s not on a password protected website) and when you use it, you acknowledge the author and the website.
You may also copy and share Internet materials with students under the fair dealing exception.
If you have the student’s permission.
You may only post a student's work online if you have obtained the student’s permission. Under the StFX Student Intellectual Property Guidelines, the students own the copyright in works they create as part of course requirements. StFX retains ownership of the one copy of an assignment handed in to comply with course requirements, but this right does not extend to making it available online on Moodle or on an instructor’s website. Copyright remains with the author. Accordingly, you should ask students in advance whether they consent to have their work posted online and keep written records of the permissions given.